Author: SymfonyStation

  • Reblog of FGM:

    Reblog via FGM Hey @drupal users, and especially those coming to #Drupalcamp Roazhon @drupalfr : I shall be coordinating contribution during the camp on the new Statistics module now in contrib. Please share and comment on

  • Bulgaria PHP Usergroup

    Reblog via will talk for :elephpant:! The Bulgaria #PHP Usergroup (not on Mastodon) has an english online meetup on the 13th of March 19:15 Sofia Time (EET/UTC+2). They will have Mateusz Charytoniuk with a talk aboit “The good the bad and the ugly parts of asynchronois PHP in the context of Swoole and Resonamce Framework”…

  • PHP Day 2024

    Reblog via phpday ๐Ÿš€ A big round of applause for the speaker of the next edition of #phpday24 @rob @Girgias @milana @maccath @afilina @heiglandreasRick Kuipers @alessandrolai @paolomainardiBabarinde Odewumi Johannes Pichler @derickr @michelle@sarah Enrico Zimuel —๐Ÿ“ Veronaย  ๐Ÿ“… 16-17 May 2024ย Tickets

  • Job Search Blues

    Reblog via Ben Ramsey This whole job-search experience has left me quite jaded and cynical. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll look at my open source contributions the same way again. Iโ€™ve never contributed for the sake of putting it on my resume, but I now know for certain that absolutely no one cares about your open…

  • Shopware Tip

    Reblog via Schrank :shopware: You don’t know the difference between defer and async on ? Me neither. Use defer for external scripts in Shopware. Because defer waits for the script until it executes your Plugin. Now you now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Shopware UUID

    Reblog via Schrank :shopware: During a live code review with Shopware I heard, that the employee never saw hardcoded UUIDs before, so let me tell you about it and why I think one should use them (sometimes…)

  • Sylius Contribution

    Reblog via Simon Krull Wow! I'm delighted and flattered to have been mentioned in the new #Sylius blog post for my previous contributions! ๐Ÿฅฐ: I'm excited to see what the future holds ๐Ÿ™‚ #PHP #Symfony #opensource

  • The Fediverse!

    Reblog via Ben Werdmuller The fediverse is really happening. That’s incredibly cool.

  • From the Symfony book

    From the Symfony book: In the development environment, when an exception is thrown, Symfony displays a page with the exception message and its stack trace. When displaying a file path, it adds a link that opens the file at the right line in your IDE. To do this you need to configure your IDE.…

  • Twig: The Ultimate Guide to the Premier PHP Templating Language

    Twig: The Ultimate Guide to the Premier PHP Templating Language

    Explore our article, Twig: The Ultimate Guide to the Premier PHP Templating Language. Learn how to make the code for your site’s frontend simpler, cleaner, dryer, more logical, and secure with Twig. #Twig #Symfony