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Once again, as a perk for joining our list, you receive The Payload a day earlier than the weekly Symfony Station communiqué. But still, check the site tomorrow for the latest developments.

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Welcome to this week's edition of The Payload. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy.

There's good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

This is why we publish on Thursdays. So you can savor it over your weekend.

Or scroll down to your favorite section.
My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans. Especially tech bros.

Symfony Logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> This week, 63 pull requests were merged (54 in code and 9 in docs) and 31 issues were closed (29 in code and 2 in docs). Excluding merges, 27 authors made 110,464 additions and 83,806 deletions. See details for code and docs.

A Week of Symfony #932 (4-10 November 2024)

They also have:
New in Symfony 7.2: Simpler Trusted Proxies Configuration

New in Symfony 7.2: Simpler Single-File Symfony Applications

New in Symfony 7.2: New Command Options

SymfonyOnline January 2025 is coming up soon - join us online!

SymfonyCasts has:
This week in SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Tech Radar opines (and they are right):

The death of the internet: why the future is terrifying, and how we fix it

This week

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa explores:
Creating focused domain applications. A Symfony approach (Managing validation errors)

Bhavin Nakrani examines:
Desktop Notification — Symfony 7

Hòa Nguyễn looks at:
Sending Emails with Mailer in PHP + Symfony


Laravel News has:
Laravel on any Developer Machine with Gitpod


Shopware has its:
Shopware Developer Digest October 24

Addify shares:
Major Updates You Need to Know About Prestashop 9.0 – Guide for Store Owners


TYPO3 has:
Why Scalability is Key in Choosing an E-Commerce CMS

Double bug bounties for vulnerabilities in TYPO3 CMS until the end of 2024

Concrete CMS has:
Concrete CMS November 2024 Town Hall: Latest Updates, Releases & Community Highlights

Drupal has:
Governance in the Drupal Ecosystem

Metadrop has a review of:
Drupal Camp 2024 in Benidorm

1X Internet does as well:
Inside DrupalCamp Berlin 2024: Innovations, Awards, and the Future of Drupal CMS

Tag 1 Consulting explores:
Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Avoiding entity ID conflicts with AUTO_INCREMENT

QTA Tech examines:
Managing Multilingual Content in Drupal 10 Multisites

Droptica lists:
5 Problems You May Encounter When Integrating Drupal with Third-Party Software

Maxim Motuzko shares:
Drupal: Dynamic routes

ImageX Media shows us how to:
Boost Your Drupal Site with Flavorful Modules Named After Food


Previous Weeks

Javier Eguiluz looks at:
New in EasyAdmin: Pretty URLs

PHP logo


This week

PhpStorm announces:
PhpStorm 2024.3 Is Now Available

Laravel News reports:
PHPStan 2.0 is Here

ServBay says:
Unleash ServBay’s Power! Managing Local DNS Records

Manuel Canga explores:
That Strange PHP Code in Frameworks and CMSs

Tomas Votruba shows us:
Alice, Nelmio, Hautelook, Faker - How to upgrade Doctrine Fixtures - Part 1

Kévin Dunglas announces:
FrankenPHP 1.3: Massive Performance Improvements, Watcher Mode, Dedicated Prometheus Metrics, and More

Tideways says:
PHP 8.4 improves Closure Naming for simplified debugging

Yunus Emre Adas shows us how to:
Create Your Simple Image Editor in PHP

And Aysunitai shows us:
How to Speed Up Bulk Email Sending in PHP with Queues, Workers, and Cron Jobs

Previous Weeks

Toni Maxx has a:
5-Star Guide to Securing Your PHP, MySQL, cPanel & WHM Server Against Malware

Code logo

More Programming

The NL Net Foundation has an interview:
Michał “rysiek” Woźniak - LibResilient

Daily Refactor shares:
SQL Indexes for Developers: A Practical Guide

Thomas Vogelaar examines:
The Copilot Pause

Thomasorus looks at:
New CSS that can actually be used in 2024

Smashing Magazine reports:
Open-Source Meets Design Tooling With Penpot

Burton Smith explores:
Bulletproof Web Component APIs

Battalion logo

Fighting for Democracy (sponsored by Battalion)

Here we feature several items from each section of Battalion's weekly "Defending Democracy" report.

Get all the news from the front of democracy's battle against autocracy via its latest "Defending Democracy" post. And please follow Battalion via RSS or on the Fediverse at Or even Bluesky if that floats your boat.

Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually, like ending apartheid in South Africa).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

Freedom Press has more:
Secure communication

I'm definitely checking this out.

TechCrunch reports:
French newspapers want social media platform X to pay for news reuse

The Onion announces:
Here’s Why I Decided To Buy ‘InfoWars’

There is a tiny bit of justice in the world after all.

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Tech Policy asks:
Salvation, Abundance, Apocalypse: Is Technology the World's Most Powerful Religion?

I don't know what could be worse than combining two of the shittiest things in existence.

Working Systems asks:
Journalists - is Twitter actually your community?

If it is, you're a c^nt.


DarkReading reports:
Open Source Security Incidents Aren't Going Away

BleepingComputer reports:
Leaked info of 122 million linked to B2B data aggregator breach

Fediverse Explorer logo

The Fediverse

The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in Fediverse – ep 92

Paths and Patches shares:
Five reasons for charities to cheerfully leave X

Other Federated Social Media

The Fediverse report has:
Last Week in the ATmosphere – 2411.b

The Guardian reports:
Bluesky adds 700,000 new members as users flee X after the US election

As long as they are leaving shitter, good for them. It's approaching 2 million now.

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Symfony Station and The Payload cover the essential news in the Symfony, PHP, and Fediverse development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. Please use the button above to make a small donation to help cover our out-of-pocket costs. Our labor is provided free of charge to support the communities we write about.

You may have to open the link in a new window. Thanks.

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