Featured Item
Dries Buytaert opines on:
How Jamstack, MACH, and traditional CMSes like Drupal are evolving by learning from one another. Also, debunking some myths in Jamstack and MACH marketing.
There is some solid thinking here.
As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> "This week, Symfony continued fixing bugs in maintained versions and adding new features to the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version, such as a rate_limiter tag and new types in the Type constraint. In addition, we published the last Twig 2 release."
SensioLabs has a SymfonyCon review:
SymfonyCasts continues its LAST stack course:
This week
This may be the most important core module.
Previous Weeks
Alixmy has this in English and French:
Carlos Compains examines:
This week
Geoligard shows us how to:
And Mateusz Jasiński shares a:
Previous Weeks
And Dragan Rapić show us:
Previous Weeks
And Dragan Rapić show us:
How to create and manage MySQL databases with PHP)
More Programming
HTMHell finishes its advent calendar:
Fighting for Democracy
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
Don't be a c^nt peeps, move to write.as, Ghost, or WordPress. Hell, I just left Mailchimp for a lot less than this.
The Fediverse
The Fediverse Report has:
An author of ActivicyPub, Evan Prodromou has thoughts on:
The Nexus of Privacy shares:
CTAs (aka show us some free love)
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