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Once again, as a perk for joining our list, you receive The Payload a day earlier than the weekly Symfony Station communiqué. But still, check the site tomorrow for the latest developments.

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Welcome to this week's edition of The Payload. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy.

There's good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you. Plus it's December so there are lots of Advent calendars.

This is why we publish on Thursdays. So you can savor it over your weekend.

Or scroll down to your favorite section.

Once again, thanks go out to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

A quick note, my best friend is visiting next week so there won't be a newsletter. I'll be busy trying to inject some joy into my life.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans. Especially tech bros.

Symfony Logo


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> This week, the stable Symfony 7.2.0 version was released, featuring tens of new additions. Additionally, we announced the Black Friday Symfony promotions. Furthermore, the maintenance releases for Symfony 5.4.48, 6.4.16, and 7.1.9 are now available. Finally, next week, the global Symfony community will gather in Vienna for the SymfonyCon 2024 conference.

A Week of Symfony #935 (25 November - 1 December 2024)

SymfonyCasts has:
This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

We're tooting our own horn here and feature our latest article.

In it I say:

I'm going to customize a theme for which is my main business site. Quess what? It won't involve any AI. And writing this article is going to be my way to learn how to do it plus help the community. You don't see many articles about Grav.

Building a Simple Grav CMS Theme with Twig, PHP, and CSS

This week

Bhavin Nakrani explores:
Password Less Login in Symfony 7

Rate Limiter in Symfony 7

Marco Bruijns shares:
How I Optimized Lazy Loading in Symfony Doctrine to Improve Performance


Sylius announces:
Sylius 2 is live!

PrestaShop has a:
PrestaShop Live Update - November 2024


TYPO3 has:
Our Recap of T3CON24!

Coders' Corner: November 2024

Reflecting on a Successful Year: A Night of Emotion and Celebration at the TYPO3 Awards Gala

Concrete CMS has:
End-of-Year Website Cleanup

Good advice for any website.

Here's German Joomla advent calendar:
Tag 1 - Der Tab Linktyp im Menü

Tag 2 - In Joomla Code hervorheben mit dem Prism-Plugin

Tag 3 - CSS-Klassenauswahl für Links in TinyMCE

Tag 4 - Icons im Menü integrieren mit Joomla! – So geht's mit nativen Funktionen

Tag 5 - Joomla-Core Dateien neu installieren – so geht es offiziell!

Sergey Tolkach examines:
The anatomy of smart search in Joomla 5 Part 2: Creating a plugin I.

Drupal has:
See Your Design in Print - Enter the DrupalCon Atlanta T-Shirt Contest

Support for object oriented hook implementations using autowired services

This is a big deal for OOP fans coming in Drupal 11.1.

Tag1 Consulting continues a series:
Migrating your Data from D7 to D10: Public and private file migrations

Drupal Life Hacks asks:
How can AI help in understanding regular expressions using Drupal examples?

Spinning Code looks at:
Architectures for Constituent Portals

Good stuff.

Freelock has an advent calendar:
Automatically generate or find images to go with your content

Automatically publish content at a specific time

Automatically show this month and next month in a perpetual calendar

Automatically send notifications to Matrix

Automatically tag articles

Lost Car Park has an advent calendar as well:
Drupal Advent Calendar day 1 - Starshot: a Brief Introduction to Drupal CMS

Drupal Advent Calendar day 2 - Starshot Installer

Drupal Advent Calendar day 3 - Contact Form

Drupal Advent Calendar day 4 -

Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 - Blog Recipe

Webwash looks at Drupal CMS as it nears debut next year:
First Look at Drupal CMS (Drupal Starshot)

So does David Duymelinck:
Checking out Drupal starshot

MetaDrop explores:
A content manager on steroids: combine Drupal with AI to create content efficiently

Matt Glaman examines:
The Web APIs powering the Drupal CMS trial experience

Drupal Easy looks at:
Handling Drupal core's oEmbed warning

ComputerMinds shares:
DDEV, solr, and

Previous Weeks

Anthony Tennerriello has:
Pattern Builder : exemple d’implémentation avec Symfony

Martin Jirasek shows us how to:
Automate Symfony EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()

F7 explores:
T3CON mit Fokus auf den öf­fent­li­chen Sektor und den GSB

Various examines:
Sentry für TYPO3: Performance-Überwachung und Fehleranalyse

A Drupal Couple looks at:
Drupal 7 EOL: Choosing the Right Path for Your Site

Agaric asks:
Is Drutopia right for you? Drutopia versus other low-cost options

PHP logo


This week

php[architect] has:
Lounging Around with PHP

PHP, CouchDB, and Chill

Asian Digital Hub explores:
Implementing OAuth2 Authentication in PHP

ServBay examines:
Developer Growth Program: Empowering developers with free ServBay Pro

Best MAMP Alternatives in 2025

Laravel News reports: is ending support for Composer 1.x

Get Xdebug Working With Docker and PHP 8.4 in One Minute

Mayur Koshti asks:
Is PHP Better Than Node.js for Small Projects?

Syahril Zulkefli shows us:
How to install PHP 8.3 with OCI8 on Laragon

Previous Weeks

Mohammed Samgan Khan looks at:
Php 8.4 Asymmetric Visibility Explained In Detail
Code logo

More Programming

Michael Amachree shares:
Why AI Can't Replace Developers: The Real Limits of AI in Coding

On a similar note, The Register reports:
GitHub's boast that Copilot produces high-quality code challenged

Ahmed Eben Hassine has:
Doctrine for Dummies: 50 Recommendations to Optimize ORM and Turbocharge Your App

Doctrine for Dummies: 50 Recommendations to Optimize ORM and Turbocharge Your App — Part 2

That HTML Blog says:
There’s a New Custom Element Superclass on the Block

HTMHELL starts its advent calendar:
A link on a logo in the header, what should the alt-text be?

Starting off right: Where autofocus shines

This is a good one.

Smooth Multi-Page Experiences with Just a Few Lines of CSS

Control the Viewport Resize Behavior on mobile with interactive-widget

Forced Colors Mode Futility

Anselm Hannemann says:
Knowing CSS is mastery to Frontend Development

DiDoes Digital explores:
CSS Print Styles for PDFs and Printing

Smashing Magazine reports:
Creating An Effective Multistep Form For Better User Experience

Infrequently Noted asks:
If Not React, Then What?

Web Components!

DDEV shares its:
DDEV December news

Battalion logo

Fighting for Democracy (sponsored by Battalion)

Here we feature several items from each section of Battalion's weekly "Defending Democracy" report.

Get all the news from the front of democracy's battle against autocracy via its latest "Defending Democracy" post. And please follow Battalion via RSS or on the Fediverse at Or even Bluesky if that floats your boat.

Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually, like ending apartheid in South Africa).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

MIT Technology Review reports:
How the Ukraine-Russia war is reshaping the tech sector in Eastern Europe

TechCrunch reports:
Poland arrests former spy chief in Pegasus spyware probe

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Tech Policy reports:
Researchers Consider the Relationship Between Misinformation, Outrage, and the Sharing of Content on Social Media

Cult MTL opines:
Foreign interference: Playing dumb doesn’t keep Canadians safe

Alright my Canadian friends, let's see if you've learned anything from your dumbass neighbors to the south or if you're going to fuck up and elect a c^nt of a Russian stooge as well.


DarkReading asks:
Incident Response Playbooks: Are You Prepared?

Krebson on Security reports on:
Why Phishers Love New TLDs Like .shop, .top and .xyz

Fediverse Explorer logo

The Fediverse

The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in Fediverse – ep 95

The International Journal of Communication asks:
Can This Platform Survive? Governance Challenges for the Fediverse

Other Slightly Federated Social Media

The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in the ATmosphere – 2412.a

NBC news reports:
Journalists flock to Bluesky as X becomes increasingly 'toxic'

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Symfony Station and The Payload cover the essential news in the Symfony, PHP, and Fediverse development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. Please use the button above to make a small donation to help cover our out-of-pocket costs. Our labor is provided free of charge to support the communities we write about.

You may have to open the link in a new window. Thanks.

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