As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> "This week, Symfony continued adding compatibility with the upcoming PHP 8.4 version and also focused on tweaking and polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version. Meanwhile, we published more information about some of the talks that will be part of the SymfonyOnline June 2024 conference."
SensioLabs has an announcement:
Featured Item
This week I am featuring my latest article because I want you to help out SymfonyCasts' Ryan Weaver. I start with:
"Symfony is unbeatable when it comes to building complex and scalable web applications. Be they sites, services, an API, or Spotify. It's a fantastic weapon in your PHP programming skills arsenal. So, breakout you laptop and put your thinking helmet on. This is the way to learn modern Symfony and slay your PHP space demons."
Please read this and seriously consider my main call to action for Ryan and his family.
This week
Lubna Altungi shares the:
Question 3 would be a strange one. ;)
Sylvain Blondeau has a new Symfony newsletter:
Unfortunately, it's on a rapidly enshitifying Substack. Sylvain, mon freré check out Ghost and Buttondown while you can.
Speaking of Ghost, I will share this out of its normal section below.
Drupal is also integrating it.
Looks like Dries decided to save Paragraphs from Gutenberg.
This better explains the decision which favors site builders over content creators. And Gutenberg may be integrated/compatible later. In any event this will take years to come to fruition.
Carlos and Oscar have it right in this one.
Tag 1 continues a series:
Previous Weeks
ImageX Media shows us how to:
Listberg has this snippet:
This week
William Martins examines:
David Duymelinck looks at:
StrangeBuzz shares a snippet:
Shalini Baskaran lists her:
Free Code Camp has an extensive handbook:
Doğan Uçar is back with another gem:
Previous Weeks
More Programming
If you use it, update it. Otherwise, avoid it.
Jason Knight continues with a new idea:
Smashing Magazine examines:
Go Make Things offers advice on:
DrupalPod is what its name implies and is fantastic.
Fighting for Democracy
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery
Better later than never and something rather than nothing. And fuck Netanyahu with a broken baseball bat.
BleepingComputer reports:
Further proof than when you regulate something you can mitigate its evils.
I am sure he knows this will likely be thrown out by the courts (it singles out TikTok vs. being a privacy bill). The administration may not even defend it in the courts. He did so to get the c^nts in the House to pass aid for Ukraine. And unfortunately, Israel.
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
Bleeping Computer reports:
In a follow up to an article we shared last week The Markup reports:
Even when you pay for Big Tech, it's enshitified. And designed to fuck you over.
Bleeping Computer reports:
Which is why you should have locks with manual codes or a physical key.
The Fediverse
The Fediverse Report has:
The Nexus of Privacy shares:
We Distribute reports on:
Speaking of the Verge, Digiday reports:
I am looking forward to getting his book if physical copies become available.
Then we could all block it.
Other federated social media
The Pragmatic Engineer shares a long article:
CTAs (aka show us some free love)
Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉
More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.
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