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Once again, as a perk for joining our list, you receive The Payload a day earlier than the weekly Symfony Station communiqué. But still, check the site tomorrow for the latest developments.

As you know, we share a lot of information so we recommend viewing this email in your browser via the link above.
Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. That necessitates an opinionated Butlerian jihad against big tech as well as evangelizing for open-source and the Fediverse. We also cover the cybersecurity world.

There's good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you. This is why we publish on Thursdays. So you can savor it over your weekend.

Or scroll down to your favorite section.
Once again, thanks go out to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans.

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> "This week, we continued polishing Symfony 7.1 features and fixing some of its deprecations to prepare for its stable release next week. Meanwhile, we introduced a Symfony Jobs section so you can find a great job or post your own job to hire talent from the community. Lastly, we updated the code repository to create the branch for Symfony 7.2, which will be released at the end of November 2024."

A Week of Symfony #908 (20-26 May 2024)

They also have:
An email on about next week's SymfonyOnline

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: All you need to know about accommodation

New in Symfony 7.1: Emoji Improvements

New in Symfony 7.1: Misc Improvements

New in Symfony 7.1: Misc Improvements (part 2)

SymfonyOnline June 2024: Only 7 days to go!

SymfonyOnline June 2024: Mastering OOP & Design Patterns

This will be a good one.

Featured Item

Baldur Bjarnason writes:

Even before the web developer job market became as dire as it is today, I was regularly seeing developers burn out and leave the industry. Some left for good; some only temporarily. Many have outright destroyed their health through anxiety and burnout.

Even those still in web dev are feeling burnt out and the reason for that is – unfortunately – quite straightforward: we are expected to keep up with multiple specialties that in a sensible industry, would each be a dedicated field.

The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it’s damaging our health – this is why burnout happens

It's definitely difficult to keep up with all this unnecessary overcomplication. And to tolerate shitty management or clients. It's also why I'm glad I'm approaching retirement.

This week

Cyril Pereira explores:
Multiple SSO with Symfony and OneLogin SAML Bundle

Julien Gabriel examines the:
Symfony DbToolsBundle - anonymize your data

Kévin Dunglas shares:
Containerization Tips and Tricks for PHP apps

Ramzi Issiakhem says:
Let's create an Opensource Headless E-learning site using Symfony

Korzeremi02 shows us how to:
Faire sa première application avec Symfony


Winkel Wagen looks at:
Shopware + PHPStorm: Easier Xdebug in administration

Shopware announces:
The Shopware Community Hackathon

PrestaShop explores:
Simplifying releases with a single Zip


Concrete CMS shows us:
How to Enhance Your Website Security with Concrete CMS Add-Ons

TYPO3 is:
Introducing the TYPO3 Stats Initiative: A New Chapter in Data-Driven Development

Joomla announces:
Joomla 5.1.1 and Joomla 4.4.5 are here!
Your first glimpse at Joomla! 5.2.0 Alpha1

Drupal has:
Announcing Drupal Starshot sessions

Introducing the Local Associations Initiative: Empowering Drupal Communities Worldwide

ImageX Media shares the:
Countless Benefits of Interactive Calculators and One Drupal Module to Easily Add Them to Forms

Tag1 Consulting continues its series:
Migrating Your Data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Drupal Entities Overview

LN Web Works shows us:
How To Fix Drupal Issues With Git Patches Using 'Git Apply Patch' Command

ADCI Solutions examines:
Field mapping when integrating Drupal with Salesforce

PrometSource shares:
The Ultimate Guide to Drupal Migration for Higher Education

Orion explains:
Automated RSS News Website Using OpenAI ChatGPT Drupal

Previous Weeks

JoliCode explores:
DbToolsBundle, enfin un outil pour utiliser légalement nos données de prod en local
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This week

Jochelle Mendonca is:
Exploring iter\map and array_map : a deep dive

Alex Castellano shows us how to:
Fix Your Code With The Debug Backtrace

Ambionics security has:
Iconv, set the charset to RCE: Exploiting the glibc to hack the PHP engine (part 1)

HMA Web Design shows us how to:
Send Email in PHP Using PHPMailer | Gmail SMTP Phpmailer

Sticher explains:
Tagged Singletons

Sarah Savage examines:
The danger of boolean flags in object methods

Winkel Wagen looks at:
PHPStorm: PHPUnit setUp and tearDown at the top of your class

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More Programming

Smashing Magazine is:
Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control

Max Böck explores:
Old Dogs, new CSS Tricks

Rachel Andrew examines:
Masonry and reading order

Go Make Things says:
Your site or app should work as much as possible without JavaScript

1000% correct.

Helmut-Schmidt-Foundation shares:
The Speech of the Future Prize winner, Meredith Whittaker

In German and worth translating. And please see the TechCrunch article on Signal below as well.

Parampreet Singh, CPWA looks at:
Understanding the Role of ARIA Role=alert: Best Practices and Common Issues

Grant Horwood shares:
MySQL: using JSON data and not hating it

Gabor Javorsky is:
Back to signing git commits with GPG

Amazee asks:
What is Green Web Hosting?

Fighting for Democracy

Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

Bleeping Computer reports:
Russian indicted for selling access to US corporate networks

NPR reports:
Billions from Russia's frozen assets will go to help Ukraine's military, the EU says

Years overdue.

Engadget reports:
Meta caught an Israeli marketing firm running hundreds of fake Facebook accounts

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

The Verge reports:
US arrests Chinese man allegedly behind enormous botnet that enabled cyberattacks and fraud

F-Droid announces:
Finally an alternative to Big Tech, your new open-source mobile ecosystem - Mobifree

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

NBC News reports:
Russian disinformation sites linked to former Florida deputy sheriff, research finds

The Guardian reports:
Critics of Putin and his allies targeted with Israeli spyware inside the EU

My two favorite box of c^nts. The Israeli and Russian governments.

Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed

Decipher reports:
North Korean Threat Actor Deploys New, Custom Ransomware

The Guardian reports:
Big tech has distracted world from existential risk of AI, says top scientist

The National Observer reports:
Mountains of hate content created by artificial intelligence, experts warn

Moz reports:
AI Overview’s Dangerous Fails + a Life Lesson

404 Media reports:
Google Researchers Say AI Now Leading Disinformation Vector (and Are Severely Undercounting the Problem)

SparkToro reports:
An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them

TechCrunch reports:
Signal’s Meredith Whittaker on the Telegram security clash and the ‘edgelords’ at OpenAI

OpenAI’s new safety committee is made up of all insiders

Absolute horseshit.


The Hacker News reports:
Experts Find Flaw in Replicate AI Service Exposing Customers' Models and Data

New Tricks in the Phishing Playbook: Cloudflare Workers, HTML Smuggling, GenAI

4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

Okta Warns of Credential Stuffing Attacks Targeting Customer Identity Cloud

Kinsta shows us how to:
How to prevent DDoS attacks: tips from security experts

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The Fediverse

The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in Fediverse – ep 70

Gabe Kangas announces:
Today marks four years of Owncast

Dead Super Hero shares:
My Hopes for We Distribute

Ghost provides an update on their federation process:
Just 2 more tables, come on

Rest of World asks:
Who’s actually using Threads? Young protesters in Taiwan

IFTAS announces:
IFTAS Connect: A Community for Fediverse Moderators

Other federated social media

Raphael Lullis proposes:
A Plan for Social Media - Rethinking Federation

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Symfony Station and The Payload cover the essential news in the Symfony, PHP, and Fediverse development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. Please use the button above to make a small donation to help cover our out-of-pocket costs. Our labor is provided free of charge to support the communities we write about.

You may have to open the link in a new window. Thanks.

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