As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> "This week, the first release candidate version of Symfony 7.1 was published so you can test it in your own projects before the stable release in two weeks. Meanwhile, we continued publishing more talks and information about the upcoming SymfonyOnline June 2024 conference."
A good alternative to the MapEntity attribute in certain cases.
SymfonyCasts is back with:
Featured Item
I would never have imagined a year ago that Google would kill web searching as we know it. I did not expect absolutely every product in the tech sector to attempt to increase valuation by tossing LLMs into their product, regardless of functionality or utility. Perhaps I should have.
But the rapid takeover of the web by generative text and images? That I did see coming, and here we are. I don't know about you, but interacting with the wider web these days feels like I'm picking up a device with an exposed wire that zaps me about 50% of the time. It used to be 30%. Next week, it may be 70%. Point is, the web I grew up with, fell in love with, and have—in many ways—built a life around, is being choked out of existence. ...
For the rest of this piece, I'll be referring to this idea of "The Human Web." This is the network of sites and works created by people, without generative assistance. It is art, culture, journalism, history, technical information, and more. Is it commerce? Personally I think it has to be, but we'll get to that.
This week
Sylvain Blondeau's latest newsletter is out:
Which is unfortunately on Substack. He has great videos as well. Unfortunately, they are on YouTube. And they are both in French. But still check them out! ;)
There are also stops in Paris, Tokyo, Boston. I attended the one in Miami last year and these are good events.
On a related note, DrupalEasy opines:
Tag1 Consulting continues a series:
Previous Weeks
Gavin Murambadoro shows us:
Vsevolod Girenko examines:
Capellic continues a series:
This week
I am definitely checking this out.
Metaphorically Speaking explores:
php [architect] examines:
This is a prequel to the Symfony article above.
Alex Castellano shows us:
Chris Sprayberry demonstrates:
Paul Underwood has a quick tip:
Grant Horwood shows us how to do it now:
More Programming
And as usual, it's not looking good for frontend frameworks.
Fighting for Democracy
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery
They recommend the board vote against Elon Musk's $46 billion pay package and to vote against the reelection of board members Kimbal Musk and James Murdoch. Which the full board would do if they were capitalists as opposed to ass-licking ideologues.
If they passed a law canceling it for Big Tech only, that would move it up a section.
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
The Fediverse
The Fediverse Report has:
Conspirador Norteño looks at:
Explore this if you aren't quite ready for a Fediverse account.
There are only a few days left to vote.
Other federated social media
CTAs (aka show us some free love)
Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉
More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.
Symfony Station and The Payload cover the essential news in the Symfony, PHP, and Fediverse development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. Please use the button above to make a small donation to help cover our out-of-pocket costs. Our labor is provided free of charge to support the communities we write about.
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