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Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. Because open-source equals open societies, peeps. That necessitates a mission of destroying big tech. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse (more open-source and democracy).

There is good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you. This is why we publish on Thursday. So you can savor it over your weekend. 😉

Or scroll down to your favorite section.
Once again, thanks go out to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans.

Featured Item

The Intrinsic Perspective writes:

The amount of AI-generated content is beginning to overwhelm the internet. Or maybe a better term is pollute. Pollute its searches, its pages, its feeds, everywhere you look. I’ve been predicting that generative AI would have pernicious effects on our culture since 2019, but now everyone can feel it.

Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> "This week, Symfony 5.4.37, 6.4.5 and 7.0.5 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, in preparation for PHP 8.4 release at the end of 2024, we started testing all Symfony versions with it and we already fixed some deprecations."
A Week of Symfony #897 (4-10 March 2024)

SymfonyLive Paris 2024: Only 2 weeks to go for the conference!

SymfonyCasts continues its free Symfony 7 course:
This week on SymfonyCasts!

This week

Aghar Saifeddine has:
Set up JWT authentication with Symfony using the LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle

Implementing Mailjet Mailer in Symfony 6

Liip shares:
Symfony User Group Zurich Meetup Recap

WPCrux shows us:
How to Override Form_errors() From Twig In Symfony?

I suspect there is some AI involved with this site, but you rarely see Twig items so I'm sharing it.

Serghei Pogor explores:
PHP Mastering CORS and Bypassing the Same-Origin Policy Issues

Shapehost examines:
Mastering the Installation of Symfony Framework on Rocky Linux 9


Sina Ahamadpour looks at:
Concurrency in PHP


Sitepoint shows us:
How to Use Magento 2 for International Ecommerce Success

John Smith shares:
Mastering Magento: A Developer's Guide to Building Powerful eCommerce Stores

I ran across this series of recent posts on modules from Sylius:


TYPO3 has:
Taking Regional Governance Digital with TYPO3

Drupal has:
Contributor guide: Maximizing Impactful Contributions

Paul Johnson wants our help:
Demonstrating Drupal’s impact to evaluators — call for research and statistics

Computer Minds announces:
Webform Protected Downloads

Matt Glaman says:
Drupal has made contributing to open source a marketing opportunity

There are good and bad consequences to this as he points out.

ImageX show us how to:
Integrate Zoom Meetings Seamlessly into Your Drupal Website via Our Developer’s Module

This involves two things you should never get involved with, Zoom and Firebase.

Specbee explores:
Better Page Layouts with the CSS Grid Layout Module in Drupal

Drupal Easy is:
Reintroducing Drupal core's Views "Combine fields filter"

The Drop Times examines:
The Revolutionary Impact of Gander Automated Performance Testing

This looks useful.

Balint Pekker ruminates on:
The Future of Drupal

I have a more detailed and pessimistic view in Does Drupal Have a Path to Growth?.

Liip shares a:
Throwback to Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Ten7 opines:
Just Say Drupal

They are wrong about upgrades.

Four Kitchens looks at:
Custom Drush commands with Drush Generate

Previous Weeks

Jolicode show us how to:
Forcer le redémarrage d’un worker Symfony
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This week

Leandro Luccerini shows us how to:
Encapsulate a set of repositories operations within a single transaction

PhpStorm published:
PHP Annotated – February-March 2024

OpenLAMPTech shares their best interview yet:
OpenLampTech - Developer Interview With Doeke Norg

And with the best developer so far.

Grumpy Learning shares:
When giving talks gets boring

Nikolay Nikolov explores:
Unlocking PHP Generators: Revolutionizing Memory Efficiency

Serghei Pogor demonstrates a:
PHP Currency Exchange Converter

Oh Dear examines:
Reducing PHP's CPU usage by nearly 40% by upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04

Florian Engelhardt documents:
Processing One Billion Rows in PHP!

Laravel News shows us:
How to Detect n+1 Queries in PHP

Dragan Rapić has:
Most useful PHP packages for improving project functionality

Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer

Steve Grunwell looks at:
The Beauty of PHP Value Objects

Senik Hakobyan explores:
Routing implementation using PHP attributes

Previous Weeks

Laravel News show us how to:
Make your app faster with PHP 8.3

Alexandre Daubois is:
Introducing Phikl: Apple PKL in PHP


More Programming

Code logo
The Internet Review has:
Big Tech on Blast as Sir Tim Berners-Lee Reflects on the Web’s 35th Birthday

What could have been if corporate America hadn't @ssfucked it.

Ashan Fernando says:
Composable Software Architectures are Trending: Here’s Why

Obsidian announces:
Announcing JSON Canvas: an open file format for infinite canvas data

Deque explains:
Distinguishing between ARIA and native HTML attributes

This points out one of the many reasons why getting accessibility right is difficult.

Stefan Zweifel shares:
My Reusable GitHub Actions Workflows

Fighting for Democracy

Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

TechCrunch reports:
EU’s use of Microsoft 365 found to breach data protection rules

MalwareBytes Labs reports:
Data brokers (forced to) admit they’re selling information on precise location, kids, and reproductive healthcare

Fixed the headline. Thank you California.

Bleeping Computer reports:
Tor’s new WebTunnel bridges mimic HTTPS traffic to evade censorship

The Verge reports:
Apple (forced) to allow iOS app downloads direct from websites in the EU

Fixed the headline.

Euro News reports:
EU Parliament votes to protect media freedom and limit spying on reporters
Google begins global restrictions on election-related queries put to its Gemini AI chatbot

Let's hope they can implement it. Unlike Fuckupbook and Shitter at least Google is competent. Oh wait, in AI they aren't. See below in Cybersecurity section.

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

GPS jamming by Russia was already a concern. For the Nordic NATO countries, it may only get worse

Foreign Policy reports:
The West Is Still Oblivious to Russia’s Information War

The Register reports:
French government sites disrupted by très grande DDoS

404 Media has:
Why Is 404 Media Included in a Fake Netflix Trailer Made by Russia?

Amazon's Hidden Chatbot Recommends Nazi Books and Lies About Amazon Working Conditions

The U.S. Wants to Ban TikTok for the Sins of Every Social Media Company

I have no problem addressing the threats of TikTok as long as the same applies to Shitter, FuckupBook, DumbTube, etc.

The BBC reports:
Desperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill

DarkReading reports:
Japan Blames North Korea for PyPI Supply Chain Cyberattack

The Markup reports:
Whistleblowing While Black: How Truth-Telling Changes the Careers of Black Women in Tech

Proof reports:
Leading AI Companies OpenAI and Anthropic Are Not Keeping Their Election Promises

How surprising.


On a related note, Infoworld explains:
Why generative AI systems are stupid

BleepingComputer reports:
Over 15,000 hacked Roku accounts sold for 50¢ each to buy hardware

Why in the fuck would you have a Roku device?

The Register reports:
JetBrains is still mad at Rapid7 for the ransomware attacks on its customers

DarkReading reports:
GAO: CISA's OT Teams Inadequately Staffed

Borrow some from the fucking military.

Google's Gemini AI Vulnerable to Content Manipulation
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The Fediverse

The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in Fediverse – ep 59

PieFed shares:
Moderation & the design of social platforms

Evan Podromu (creator of Activity Pub) has thoughts on:
Tiktok and the Fediverse

Other federated social media

TechCrunch reports:
Bluesky is funding developer projects to give its Twitter/X alternative a boost

Bluesky starts letting users pick their own moderation filters

FYI, Friendica is integrating Bluesky. Unlike others they are making it opt-in.

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

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