Featured Item
The Intrinsic Perspective writes:
The amount of AI-generated content is beginning to overwhelm the internet. Or maybe a better term is pollute. Pollute its searches, its pages, its feeds, everywhere you look. I’ve been predicting that generative AI would have pernicious effects on our culture since 2019, but now everyone can feel it.
As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> "This week, Symfony 5.4.37, 6.4.5 and 7.0.5 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, in preparation for PHP 8.4 release at the end of 2024, we started testing all Symfony versions with it and we already fixed some deprecations."
SymfonyCasts continues its free Symfony 7 course:
This week
I suspect there is some AI involved with this site, but you rarely see Twig items so I'm sharing it.
Sina Ahamadpour looks at:
I ran across this series of recent posts on modules from Sylius:
Paul Johnson wants our help:
Computer Minds announces:
There are good and bad consequences to this as he points out.
This involves two things you should never get involved with, Zoom and Firebase.
Balint Pekker ruminates on:
They are wrong about upgrades.
Previous Weeks
This week
Leandro Luccerini shows us how to:
OpenLAMPTech shares their best interview yet:
And with the best developer so far.
Nikolay Nikolov explores:
Serghei Pogor demonstrates a:
Florian Engelhardt documents:
Previous Weeks
Laravel News show us how to:
More Programming
What could have been if corporate America hadn't @ssfucked it.
This points out one of the many reasons why getting accessibility right is difficult.
Fighting for Democracy
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery
MalwareBytes Labs reports:
Fixed the headline. Thank you California.
Bleeping Computer reports:
Let's hope they can implement it. Unlike Fuckupbook and Shitter at least Google is competent. Oh wait, in AI they aren't. See below in Cybersecurity section.
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
I have no problem addressing the threats of TikTok as long as the same applies to Shitter, FuckupBook, DumbTube, etc.
On a related note, Infoworld explains:
BleepingComputer reports:
Why in the fuck would you have a Roku device?
Borrow some from the fucking military.
The Fediverse
The Fediverse Report has:
Evan Podromu (creator of Activity Pub) has thoughts on:
Other federated social media
FYI, Friendica is integrating Bluesky. Unlike others they are making it opt-in.
CTAs (aka show us some free love)
Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉
More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.
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