Featured Item
The Guardian has a very important book review:
The story of the British man who took on Hitler’s information machine offers valuable insights into the fight against the rise of authoritarianism.
As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> "This week, Symfony 5.4.36, 6.4.4 and 7.0.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version focused on finishing some minor new features."
SymfonyCasts continues its free Symfony 7 course:
This week
Sergii Dolgushev explores:
It's not the way I build my sites but it's a great alternative.
If they get it working with Olivero, that will be awesome.
This looks easier than DXPR, 10 times easier than Layout Builder, and not as easy as Gutenberg.
Previous Weeks
This week
I need to drill into these.
entreunosyceros shows us:
Thanks to being semi-fluent in French and currently learning Portuguese, I can now get the gist of Spanish articles like the two above enough to share them.
Please don't use shitass "AI" generated images in your articles peeps. Show a little creativity by finding a free original one.
Previous Weeks
More Programming
The Grumpy Programmer shares:
It's back and will hopefully replace PayPal and Stripe.
Ric Viscomi looks forward to:
Fighting for Democracy
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery
Bleeping Computer reports:
The Irish Council for Civil Liberties reports:
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
The Kyiv Independent reports:
Bleeping Computer reports:
Cory Doctorow writes on the enshittification of Google Maps:
This is the greatest example of why Tik-Tok is utter horseshit that I have ever seen.
The Guardian has another book review:
Bleeping Computer reports:
The Fediverse
The Fediverse Report has:
We Distribute has more details:
No one in their right mind will build a product around this.
Search Engine Land reports:
Going corporate. Which is where it has been heading from day one.
Ulrike Hahn has this detailed gem:
Other federated social media
The Fediverse Report has:
CTAs (aka show us some free love)
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